A short series of Reels from Instagram about our vision and mission. Reel 1: Introduction
A series of short videos explaining our vision and mission!
How we build champion learners through providing extensive opportunities.
Why expert tuition is one of our four ‘active ingredients’ in building champion learners
This is an activity that helps children to practise their oral blending skills. In this video, we selected an animal book but you can use anything that has lots of pictures. Children need to master oral blending before they can be successful blending (reading) words with written sounds.
This is a game you could play that supports children to use their oral blending skills, using pictures. Children need to master oral blending before they can be successful blending (reading) words with written sounds.
Learn how to pronounce the Phase 2 sounds and see the actions to match.
See and hear the Phase 2 Common Exception Words (CEW). A CEW is a word that cannot be sounded out using the sounds the children know and must be learnt by sight.
This video shows you how the children learn to blend (read) words at school. In this video, the children are focusing on reading words with the "f" sound.
This activity will help your child blend sounds to read words. Practise this at home to improve your child's blending (reading) skills. It is important that your child is secure with Oral Blending before they move onto this skill.
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
How to Fall Asleep by Kenn Nesbitt
As part of the Leaf Literature Festival, each class has been given a poem to rehearse and perform. This poem is read one way first, then the other way with two very different perspectives.
Don’t worry the angle to adjusted during the second song. An amazing leavers’ performance.
‘The Lion inside’ - a story about bravery
A story, read by Mrs A, about a koala who didn’t like change. With some children returning to school, whilst others have to stay at home, Mrs A helps us understand why we sometimes find change difficult.
Mrs A reads a story about mindfulness.
Mrs A explains what mindfulness is and how it can help us to feel happy.
Respect the Wonder Dog makes some unsafe choices when a friend encourages him to download an App for older children.
E-safety Assembly T2 2020
Mr Botten's Monday assembly on staying safe when using technology at home.
Emily and her parents are sailing to Australia aboard the famous SS Great Britain. A sort chapter book with illustrations by James de la Rue
All aboard the SS Great Britain, in chapter 2 Heart of the Ship, Emily goes exploring.
Looking After Barney, the third creepy chapter by Sue Purkiss
The final chapter of Emily's adventures aboard the SS Great Britain by Sue Purkiss
Ms Bruten talks about choosing to read Malamander a Red level Mystery story by Thomas Taylor. She definitely recommends this book to those who love mystery, the sea and a bit of fantastical storytelling…
A beautiful story about the magic of Christmas and the origin of Santa Claus. David Litchfield has written and illustrated this beautiful book.
At Blackhorse we celebrate neurodiversity everyday. As part of 'AUTISM ACCEPTANCE WEEK' 2023, children have been showing 'Bravery' and 'Respect' and have shared their questions and experiences around autism, asking how different situations might make autistic children think and feel. Perhaps you might think and feel similar thoughts and feelings at different points throughout your day? But always remember... "when you've met 'one' person with autism, you've met 'one' person with autism"
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Resource Base children and staff.
Cherry and Sycamore Class join together to present 'The Gingerbread Man's Christmas' through narration and song.
Sycamore perform Charlie and The Chocolate Factory as part of their Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing learning
Cherry and Sycamore Class join together to present 'The Story of Christmas' through songs and narration.
Little Bear and the Butterflies by Susan Quinn
Miss Wood shows you around Beech Base.
Mrs O'Connor shows you around Ash Base.
Miss Wood and Mrs O'Connor show you around the garden outside the Reception classrooms.
Take a tour of Blackhorse Primary and find out all about the school.
Listen to the story 'First Day at Big School' read by Mrs O'Connor.
Listen to the story 'Starting School' by Janet and Alan Ahlberg, read by Mrs O'Connor.
A recording of the Meet the Teacher session held online on Thursday 30th September 2021. Miss Vigor, Mrs Wilson and Miss Phillips give a short presentation to introduce the Year 1 routines, timetable and curriculum, followed by a question and answer session.
Redrafting our writing to include co-ordinating conjunctions and a new & improved sentence opener. Can't wait to see you on Monday, Year 3!
Writing the description of the character you have chosen to focus on using the skills shown in the video. You can draw the pictures on your writing when you've finished to show us your FANTASTIC skills!
Writing the digital display using an analogue clock, including seconds.
Learning about healthy food choices and how calories give us energy.
Vocabulary building for tomorrow's writing.
In today's lesson we will be writing a character description of Liam using precise ENP and embedded clauses
Today we are going to build vocabulary webs for Liam
How we’ll manage Covid this term
This very short video is supposed to help you to understand one of the different word class terms and they will give some examples of them being used in sentences too. Children in Year 2+ are taught how to recognise and use adjectives in their sentences.
This very short video is supposed to help you to understand one of the different word class terms and they will give some examples of them being used in sentences too. Children in Year 2+ are taught about nouns but don't need to call them common or proper nouns.
This very short video is supposed to help you to understand one of the different word class terms and they will give some examples of them being used in sentences too. Children in Year 2+ are taught about nouns but they don't need to know the difference between abstract and concrete nouns.
This very short video is supposed to help you to understand one of the different word class terms and they will give some examples of them being used in sentences too. Children in Year 2+ are taught about verbs.
Children in Year 5/6 are taught about colons and semi-colons as punctuation marks to enhance their writing.
A brilliant new picture book by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Jon Klassen. How does Santa do it? I don't know, let's read this book and find out!
Kipper asks the question, "Which is best, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?"
A festive rhyming story by Julia Donaldson, beautifully illustrated by Victoria Sandoy.
Are you counting too? A rhyming story by Joff Brown and Gabriele Tafuni.
A heartwarming story by Giles Andrea and Nikki Dyson
Final installment of this snowy story
Blackhorse has talent!
KS1 presents 'Christmas Around the World'.
A few short clips of our musicians showing what they've learnt this term.
Anna Sayce
by Rebecca Wise- Professional Growth Project
Sarah O'Connor shares her research project on the value of co-play and play-based learning in Maths.
by Julia Grant
Beth Vigor's Professional Development Project Video