Blackhorse Phonics Channel

Phase 1: Oral Blending - Blend and Find

This is an activity that helps children to practise their oral blending skills. In this video, we selected an animal book but you can use anything that has lots of pictures. Children need to master oral blending before they can be successful blending (reading) words with written sounds.

Phase 1: Oral Blending with pictures

This is a game you could play that supports children to use their oral blending skills, using pictures. Children need to master oral blending before they can be successful blending (reading) words with written sounds.

Phase 2: Sounds and Actions

Learn how to pronounce the Phase 2 sounds and see the actions to match.

Phase 2: CEW

See and hear the Phase 2 Common Exception Words (CEW). A CEW is a word that cannot be sounded out using the sounds the children know and must be learnt by sight.

Phase 2: Blending to read

This video shows you how the children learn to blend (read) words at school. In this video, the children are focusing on reading words with the "f" sound.

Phase 2: Blending to read - Mix It Up

This activity will help your child blend sounds to read words. Practise this at home to improve your child's blending (reading) skills. It is important that your child is secure with Oral Blending before they move onto this skill.

Phase 2: Segmenting to spell

This video shows you how the children to segment (write) words at school. In this video, the children are learning to segment a word with the "n" sound.

Phase 3: Sounds and Actions

Learn how to pronounce the Phase 3 sounds and see the actions to match.

Phase 3: CEW

See and hear the Phase 3 Common Exception Words (CEW). A CEW is a word that cannot be sounded out using the sounds the children know and must be learnt by sight.

Phase 3: Blending to Read

This video shows you how the children are taught to blend (read) words at school that contain a trigraphs (a sound with three letters). In this video, the children are practising how to read the trigraph "igh" in a word.

Phase 3: Segmenting to Spell

This video shows you how the children are taught to segment (write) words with digraphs (a sound with two letters). In this video, the children are practising how to write a word with the "ai" digraph.

Phase 4: CEW

See and hear the Phase 4 Common Exception Words (CEW). A CEW is a word that cannot be sounded out using the sounds the children know and must be learnt by sight.

Phase 4: Blending to Read

This video shows you how children are taught to read words with adjacent consonants, which is a big focus of Phase 4. In this video, the children are learning to read words with adjacent consonants at the beginning of the word.

Phase 4: Segmenting to Spell

This video shows you how the children are taught to segment words with adjacent consonants, which is a big focus of Phase 4. In this video, the children are practising how to write a word that has adjacent consonants at the beginning and end of the word.

Phase 5a: Sounds

Learn how to pronounce the Phase 5a sounds.

Phase 5: Blending to Read

This video shows you how children are taught to read words with alternative sounds (Phase 5). In this video, the children are practising how to read words with the digraphs "oi" and "oy", which make the sound sound.

Phase 5: Segmenting to Spell

This video shows you how to the children are taught to segment (write) words with alternative sounds. In this video, the children are practising how to write a word with the alternative sound "oy".

Phase 5: Sounds

An introduction to the Phase 5 sound and the sound mat we use at school to help the children with their reading and writing.

Phase 5: CEW

See and hear the Phase 5 Common Exception Words (CEW). A CEW is a word that cannot be sounded out using the sounds the children know and must be learnt by sight.